前警官天民(古天乐 饰)在纸醉金迷的香港城开着一家小酒吧,这夜,大陆女孩小云(佟丽娅 饰)在酒吧里孤身一人,愁容满面地喝闷酒。打烊之后,醉得不省人事的小云无法开车,无奈之下天民把她送往自己干妈家中休息。翌日,小云在天民和他弟弟少聪(余文乐 饰)的陪伴下去取车——一辆价值不菲的玛莎拉蒂,她发现车钥匙不见了,却不敢回家取。天民感觉到小云隐瞒着不少秘密,而少聪似乎被小云吸引,愿意帮忙。但就在他们取车的时候,一群亡命之徒冲出把小云抓走。兄弟俩和歹徒们激战,小云伺机逃跑。事发之后,天民酒吧被黑帮骚扰,少聪的士也被恶意破坏,甚至还遭到台湾黑帮的疯狂砍杀。两人渐渐地意识到自己已被卷入了涉及巨额黑金的斗争之中,只能奋力一战。
Six couples arrive at out of term Chaucer College for a quiz weekend with a five grand prize. One of the contestants,womanizing know-all Ethan Croft,is murdered and another,Robyn Strong, is an old flame of his, disappointed he failed to recognize her. Ethan was a brilliant linguist but he was sacked from the college years earlier after an affair with a student, now married to another quizzer,whilst Eve,Robyn's quiz partner, is the next victim,after she has been heard arguing with Ethan. Passion, however, is not the motive, the killer being one whose guilty secret was exposed by Ethan's language skills over a past business transaction - with at least two suspects in the frame.
A beautiful schizophrenic woman is pushed over the edge by her husband's illicit affairs, and when her hallucinations become reality the Devil comes to take his due. Is Miriam insane or has the Devil come to collect on her promise?