某大型饮料公司的OL川原由加利(长泽雅美 饰)和男友小出桔平(高桥一生 饰)是一见钟情。原本生活平静,简单幸福,但是这一切都被突如其来的事件所打乱。某天,桔平因蛛网膜下出血突然昏倒,可是随后被医护人员发现,他所持有的驾照、医师执照居然全是伪造的。得知消息的由加利十分震惊,对于这个相处五年之久的男友,...
当红作家江丙坤在签售大作《我的许愿瓶女孩儿》的时候碰上了一起车祸,可是在他救起车祸中的受伤孩子送医院抢救的时候却赶上了手机没电 他的“女王”女友冯安琪一路追杀冲到医院 恰巧遇到戏剧性的一幕:江丙坤急忙中撞倒了同样匆忙的夏侯雨欣,更不幸的是,他们俩的嘴唇还似乎发生了恶作剧之吻!
A rare chance to see Annika Berg's first film which precedes 'Team Hurricane' and which is an almost hallucinatory experiment in image and sound. Young Julian is drifting around in a city that is at the same recognizable and adventurous, and where the real and the possible melts together in a romantic and sensory totality. He films everything with a small DV camera until he meets Sille who invites him on a holiday at a luxury hotel in the city center - the first in a series of chance encounters that unite in narrative abstraction. Colours, sound design and tactile materiality is the raw material of Berg's cinematic universe. The film is named after one of the founding principles of quantum physics, that uncertainty is a fundemental condition of the physical world. Thanks to the Danish Film School for making the screening possible.