A case of mistaken identity leads to accident-prone George Brown (George Formby) entering the Royal Air Force and falling in love with the Sergeant Major's daughter.
小贩陆云生(吕良伟 饰)常为邻里抱不平,被租界总探氏黄金荣(郑则仕 饰)妻阿桂姐(斯琴高娃 饰)所赏识。未几,陆破获宋教仁被刺案真相,令黄名声大噪。黄对陆赏识,却招侯飞妒忌。陆、黄出面调息了军阀袁啸军劫取法国鸦片事件,发了财,变为大亨。由于黄误打了督军卢永祥之子,陆又去东北军军长毕树政处求情,还搭进...
When lonely feminist lecturer Miranda Thornton is found dead after a video she submitted to a dating agency is viciously made public on a scurrilous website,the first conclusion is suicide. But,with her answer phone removed and finger prints wiped,foul play is suspected. Miranda opposed property developer David Connelly buying land belonging to her college and had been visited,via the website by unhappily married journalist Francis Mitchell, though he states that Miranda was dead when he visited her. Embittered ex-student Sebastian Dromgoole admits to posting the video but Hathaway is guilt-ridden after Dromgoole's girlfriend,whom he had asked to find out more information,is killed. Having found themselves on the website Lewis and Hathaway find that,contrary to claims,their principal suspects have known each other for two decades.