表演硕士张月娥,为纪念未婚夫,留校担任“中文剧社”指导老师。王丽花靠伪造金饰品捞钱。张月娥带领学生排练话剧《幸福是什么》,学生拉赞助时碰到王丽花,王丽花答应提供赞助,但要求王蓉和刘晶晶担任公司形象代言人。 两个女生跟“金龙饰品”签约,并经常出席“金龙钻石”的活动。广州商人黄刚是“金龙饰品”的大主顾...
5000 years ago, in India, men started to capture and tame elephants for war, parades and worship. Still today, the young Makbul grows up in daily contact with the wild and domesticated elephants that live in the forest around his native village in southern India. Over the objections of his mother, Makbul follows in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, going deep into the forest to learn the age-old profession of the mahout, or elephant handler in the government's employ. When an elephant calf named Vikrama is born, the animal is placed under Makbul's care. The boy raises and trains the elephant, but when his father dies, Makbul now head of the family but too young to be hired by the forest department, must seek work in the neighboring villages, away from the elephants. The bond between Makbul and the life of his forebears is too strong, and as he passes into adulthood, his destiny of becoming a mahout is fulfilled...
亚瑟凯利和他弟弟在多年前为小镇除去巫师华特麦根,但华特在临死前诅咒他将召来地狱的怪物到人间杀害无辜为他复仇。此一怪物被称为南瓜人。果然每隔一段时间就会在万圣节出现,杀害许多无辜的人。凯利家族有一预言,凯利家的第十五代孙才是真正灭绝此一怪物的人。桑恩凯利就是凯利家的第十五 代孙。家里来了一位叫碧比恩的女士,嘴里老说著一些古老的祖宗们的传说及鬼神的故事。甚至说桑恩会面临危险。她说的话是真的吗?他们又该如何面对呢? ———迅雷快传下载地址: