大学生杨沫和赵莎考研 名落孙山,后来得知如果到南疆支教一 年,可以保送研究生的消息后,两人毅 然报名参加支教,来到托克苏村。在托 克苏村中心小学,她们受到了当地人的 热情款待,也遭受了学生的捉弄、同行 的不满,随着矛盾展开,一切都在改变 着……
程带男(惠英红 饰)跟着父亲习武卖艺,日子过得十分困苦,一场意外中,父亲身受重伤,父女两人的日子无以为继,就在此时,名门余氏的族长收留了两人。之后,程带男的父亲病重去世,族长亦缠绵病榻命不久矣,就这样,程带男肩负起了照顾族长的责任。
This film dealt with a lot of inner conflicts that African-Americans where unwilling to deal with at the time. Class struggles, light skinned vs. dark skinned and greeks vs. non-greeks. I just purchased it on DVD, but I remember seeing this film when it first came out in February of 1988 and it is just as powerful and entertaining now as it was then. It's amazing to look at this film now and see all of the actors who went on to successful careers afterwards, like Laurence(then Larry) Fishburne, Tisha Campbell, Giancarlo Esposito, Roger Guenveur Smith, Kadeem Hardison, Jasmine Guy, Darryl Bell, Rusty Cundieff(director of"Tales From The Hood"), Bill Nunn, Branford Marsalis, and of course I can't forget Samuel L. Jackson. Three years after this film came out a cousin from Seattle came to visit, I showed him this film and he was surprised to discover that there were actually historically black colleges and universities(HBCU's) in this country. He later attended Southern University here in Baton Rouge. That was the effect this film had and continues to have on young African-Americans and their views of HBCU's.