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Abgezockt II - Dei Vadder sei Arsch

Abgezockt II - Dei Vadder sei Arsch

Ali Faulkner 彼得·怀特 梅特·加西亚 Georges Galli 金·罗伯特 阿梅德奥·纳扎里 Wendy Majere 
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《Abgezockt II - Dei Vadder sei Arsch》内容简介

常听别人说, 平时脾气不发火的人,冷不丁发起火来比一般人还吓人。


A manager of a fast food restaurant in the Midwest is wanted by his bookies.

An unprecedented terrorist attack takes place in a peaceful café in the center of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh, on a nice Saturday afternoon. The terrorists use religion to divide and to kill people, while the surviving hostages, all of them also Muslims, qiwan.cc try to defend their own humanistic values. The film unravels the clashes and contradictions of religion, ideology, and civilizations through a terror drama shot in a single take.



本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇(Benedict Cumberbatch),1976年7月19日出生于英国伦敦,英国演员、制片人。 2000年,本尼迪克特出演电视剧《心跳》,开始演艺生涯。2004年,在电视电影《霍金的故事》中饰演史蒂芬·霍金,因此获得蒙特卡洛国际电视节最佳男主角奖,及英国电影和电视艺术学院电视奖最佳男主角提名。2010年,开始出演电视剧《神探夏洛克》,凭借系列剧集,获得艾美奖、金卫星奖等最佳男主角奖,并得到金球奖、两次英国电影和电视艺术学院电视奖最佳男主角提名。2011年,...

HOPITAL BRUT is a squat Svankmajer fighting mass production with special edition, combating excess with excess; visual culture relobotomised into a Deleuzian cyborg nightmare that advertising can only dream of reaching. Conceived as an asylum where the audience calls at each of the wards to observe the heavily medicated inmates / artists, HOPITAL BRUT is a toxic mix of Visionary Outsider Art, Underground Comics, Manga and good ol’ Pornography from over 80 artists – a world wide selection from Europe, Japan, the UK and USA. You won't believe your eyes when you watch the most amazing cartoon surrealist art and video work from prolific Marseilles based collective Le Dernier Cri.Truly one of the most unsung works of art to ever come from the 20th century. HOPITAL BRUT is an absolute must see!

In postwar Tokyo, while his mum works, Taichi spends his days alone and misses his dad who was killed in the war. Through his friendship with an old man who tends a seemingly dead cherry tree, Taichi learns about the tree and gradually becomes more positive.
