In October of 1981, Curtis Danko, the creepy kid from the small town of Walker Falls, was killed in a mysterious accident. He left behind a warning to the town:"If you ever have another Halloween again, I will return and destroy you all!" Curtis was buried in a locked crypt, along with a sculpture so evil, that unearthly fates were said to await anyone who looked at it. Now, 20 years later, the Walker men have returned to Walker Falls. They start a chain of events that unleashes an army of zombies on the town. Has Curtis Danko risen from the grave to exact his revenge? And will the people of Walker Falls make it through the night?
战国时代,有八位武士带着三千两黄金来到一个破落的村庄,却惨遭利欲熏心的村民们的杀害,许多怪异事情因而 发生,人们便称这个村庄为“八墓村”。曾带领村民攻击八位武士的田治见庄左卫门,他的子孙——要藏在大正某 年疯狂地残杀三十二个村民后,行踪成谜。二十几年后,“八墓村”仿佛被下了魔咒一般,再度演出惊悚...
故事的主角是一只可爱的猎犬,可是性格温和的小狗并不会打猎,因此遭到了主人的虐待,终于,不堪忍受的小狗决定离家出走,幸运的是,它遇见了名为马蒂(布莱克·赫伦 Blake Heron 饰)的男孩,马蒂非常喜欢聪明可爱的小狗,给它取名夏洛伊。
A beautiful young woman with a horrible secret is protected by a loving family.