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宇宙圆盘大战争 - 电影

《宇宙圆盘大战争 - 电影》内容简介



抗战前夕的1933年,国立博物馆馆长石兆光(赵有亮 饰)为护镇馆之宝不幸落入日酋魔窟,在狱中他受尽非人折磨,求死不能求生不得,精神受到极大创伤。就在万念俱焚之际,他得到一本拯救其灵魂的围棋奇书,从此后他将世间万物抛于脑后,痴心钻研这变化莫测的黑白世界。抗战全面爆发前夜,已经出狱的石兆光携子石头(邹辰...






In London, ca. 1590, as an epidemic claims increasing numbers of victims, doctor Gordon Pembroke defies a ban on dissection to perform autopsies to try to understand the disease. The queen’s lover, Lord Surrey, who has eyes for Pembroke’s daughter Evelyne, has the doctor executed and sentences Pembroke’s assistant, Arthur Leyde, whom Evelyne deeply loves, to a long prison term. But the jealous queen puts paid to Surrey’s plans – she promises the lady-in-waiting to the Earl of Warwick and grants Leyde a pardon. Surrey has Evelyne kidnapped, but once she is at his mercy, she falls into a coma. When Leyde autopsies her, he makes a discovery ... Shot at the same Munich studio and in the same spirit as Nathan der Weise (Nathan the Wise, Manfred Noa, 1922), Der Favorit der Königin was also indebted to the ideals of the Enlightenment. In this suspenseful period film, the stated goal of the doctors is to “liberate science from its shackles, and the people from a scourge”. In 1922, it was no doubt provocative – and not only in Catholic Bavaria – to articulate a democratic ideal that was a resounding call to the powers that be and the clergy that “the people’s voice is the voice of God”.
