In search of the Titanic, a group of friends find themselves inside a bathysphere and awake in Atlantis. With the help of the King of Atlantis, they do their best to recover the Titanic.
保罗·卢卡斯(Paul Lukas)(1891年5月26日- 1971年8月15日)是奥地利-匈牙利出生的演员,曾获得奥斯卡最佳男主角奖。Illinois-born Lisa De Leeuw got into porn because of a boyfriend who managed a movie house that showed X-rated films. At first reluctant, she eventually decided to give it a shot, and made her debut in the classic 800 Fantasy Lane (1979). She quickly became a favorite with fans, who appreciated her lush body, wild mane of red hair and voracious performances. She appeared in many films from what is now called the"Golden Age" of porn, and w...
缩骨谢是警方的线人,给警方提供过不少十分有价值的情报,某日,他在马来西亚离奇死于非命,黄维邦(李子雄 饰)是重案组的警探,以枪法精准著称,却因为患上了手疾而无法胜任工作,准备离职。缩骨谢和黄维邦曾经有过一段往事,前者是后者的救命恩人,缩骨谢死的蹊跷,令黄维邦决心接下此案,调查幕后真相。